Since this option is checked, any inserted disk will automatically be ejected as soon as it’s label is prepared. Unselect this to allow the disk to remain in the slot so you can collect it’s icons. Since this option is unchecked, any inserted disk will remain in the slot so you can collect it’s icons. Select this if you want disks to automatically be ejected as soon as the label is prepared. Use this to save the present configuration of Loodle™: border pattern, fonts, filters, form size, etc. Not available now because these settings are already saved. Use this to save the present configuration of Loodle™: border pattern, fonts, filters, form size, etc. Use this to choose how Loodle™ should give warnings when shuting down or closing files. This command is not available now. Not available now. Please respond to the dialog. Options Menu: Use this menu to modify the was Loodle™ is set up, where the labels will appear on pages, and to eject disks. Not available now. Please respond to the dialog. Options Menu: Use this menu to modify the way Loodle™ is set up, where the labels will appear on pages, and to eject disks.